Welcome, Members

We are super excited to welcome you to your very own part of the website!

Keep coming back to look at these pages to find out lots of important information and hear about fun things that are happening for you.

Important notice:

Pub night this week is cancelled (23rd Feb)

Activities and events

To see what activities and events are taking place this month in London and Manchester, just click the buttons below.


For all your important news and updates, keep checking this area!


Happy birthday to all our Members celebrating birthdays in August:

Robert Bluestone

Daryll Hawes

Robyn Freeman

Daniel Berman

Hannah Levy

Simcha Bernstein

Helpful information

This section has information which you may find practical and helpful such as how to save energy and tips on finding a property. If there is something you would like to see here, please email Marketing@langdonuk.org.


The latest Shabbat times are all listed here for you. Just click either London or Manchester for the information.


See what all our members have been up to. Let us know what you have been doing by sending your own images to DebbieRees@langdonuk.org. Please make sure anyone in the photos has given permission for them to be used.

The people we support at Kisharon Langdon really enjoy their weekly gardening club. Even though the weather wasn't too good today, that didn't stop members so they did their planting indoors!
#Gardening #GardeningClub #Plants

On Sunday, over 60 audience members made up of family and friends watched the Kisharon Langdon drama group’s performance of Annie. The cast worked so hard rehearsing every Thursday for months taught by drama teacher Emma and they certainly gave everyone an outstanding show!

This week, as part of our Jewish cultural activities, members went to the local park to pick up litter and learn about helping the environment - tikkun olam - which is a very important Jewish value.

Each week, members have the opportunity to come along to our new Science Workshop where they can do simple and safe experiments. This week the people we support were looking at colours and shapes with the aid of sweets and water which made it so much fun!

At the Kisharon Langdon Chanukah party the people we support had a fantastic time lighting the candles, singing songs and dancing to live music from Yuval Havkin and a disco run by members Daniel and Ben - everyone had such fun!
Happy Chanukah!

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