Love Langdon singing group at Brent Cross - Langdon

Love Langdon singing group at Brent Cross

Love Langdon singing group at Brent Cross

On 10th February, Langdon held its annual community fundraising event in Brent Cross Shopping Centre. Our Love Langdon singing group wowed shoppers and passers-by with an incredible performance of such hits as “It must be love” “Don’t worry be happy” and “Don’t stop believin”.

Youth Services Manager Sonia Muscovitch who was key in leading the singing group said: “It was a wonderful day at Brent Cross and being part of LOVE LANGDON. Our members loved singing and being part of the group. It was amazing to see how much confidence they gained whilst practising and then singing in front of such a large crowd. It was astounding to see the public’s reaction and how inspiring the members were.”

We raised an incredible £1,450 from generous donations on the day. The event was very inspiring for all involved and so many members of the public engaged with Langdon.
As such, we would like to thank everyone who came to hear us sing and to those who donated to our charity.


10 Feb 2020


Brent Cross Shopping Centre